Taking private lessons can be an intimidating experience for anyone, so here are the most common questions I get as a teacher. Whether you are taking lessons for the very first time, coming back from an instrument break, or switching instructors, I wish to make the process as transparent and beneficial as it can be. If you do not find an answer to your question below, check out the Clarinet Resources or contact me and I will get back to you as soon as possible!
What age group do you teach?
I work with all ages, although I have the most experience with middle/high school students. For young musicians, any personal background provided by parents is helpful to ensure our time is efficient together. If you are an adult player seeking lessons I highly encourage it and would love to work with you!
Can I start lessons anytime?
Yes, you may inquire about lessons at any time of the year! Summers can be busy for everyone, so summer lessons are on a case-by-case basis
What does a typical lesson look like?
Lessons will usually involve fundamentals (scales, arpeggios, articulation, etc.) etudes, and solo repertoire. For examples, check out the Clarinet Workbook under Clarinet Resources
Are you a scary teacher?
My approach to teaching is to be kind, but firm. Any issues on the clarinet can be worked through, and I will always be patient with you on that. However, if lesson expectations are not met or there are behavioral difficulties, I may require a meeting with the student and parents to discuss further action.
How should I/my child practice?
Practice is extremely important for any musician. Please dedicate at least 25-30 minutes each day. Like any routine, it's best to have a designated time and space to practice. Put away all distractions and work through what is in your lesson log. For more specifics, check out the practice tips on the Clarinet Resource page.
I am/my child is getting frustrated, what should we do?
Music and playing an instrument can be frustrating at times. The best thing to do is take frequent breaks and to be patient. It is an on-going process for everyone (I'm still learning too!) and requires time to show growth. I guarantee after some time, you will be amazed your improvement!
Do you do any performances with students?
Depending on the size of the studio, we will try to do a studio recital once per school year, typically in the spring. As of now, there is not one scheduled but I will keep you updated!